Sample Data-Articles

News Flash

Displays a set number of articles from a category based on date or random selection. Help {loadmodule articles_news,News Flash}…


The new user manager will let you manage who has access to what in your site. You can leave access groups exactly the way you had them in Joomla 1.5 or make them as complicated as you want. You can…


Content plugins run when specific kinds of pages are loaded. They do things ranging from protecting email addresses from harvesters to creating page breaks. Default on: Email Cloaking Help Load Module Help Page Break Help Page Navigation Help Vote Help…

Related Items Module

This module displays other Articles that are related to the one currently being viewed. These relations are established by the Meta Keywords.  All the keywords of the current Article are searched against all the keywords of all other published articles.…

Using Joomla!

With Joomla you can create anything from a simple personal website to a complex ecommerce or social site with millions of visitors. This section of the sample data provides you with a brief introduction to Joomla concepts and reference material…

Login Module

This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled (in the Global Configuration settings), another link will be shown to enable self-registration for users. Help…

Administrator Components

All components are also used in the administrator area of your website. In addition to the ones listed here, there are components in the administrator that do not have direct front end displays, but do help shape your site. The…

Who’s Online

The Who’s Online Module displays the number of Anonymous Users (e.g. Guests) and Registered Users (ones logged-in) that are currently accessing the Web site. Help {loadmodule whosonline,Who’s Online}…