Sample Data-Articles

Саопштење Покрајинског секретаријата за привреду, запошљавање и равноправност полова

Нови Сад, 1. октобар 2015. – Према подацима Националне службе за запошљавање у Републици Србији, на дан 30.09.2015. године, на евиденцији се налази 737.882 незапослених лица. Од тог броја Ап Војводина учествује са 24,39%  лица, односно 179.262 незапослених.   У односу…

Smart Search

This module provides search using the Smart Search component. You should only use it if you have indexed your content and either have enabled the Smart Search content plugin or are keeping the index of your site updated manually. Help.…

Quick Icons

The Quick Icon plugin group is used to provide notification that updates to Joomla! or installed extensions are available and should be applied. These notifications display on your administrator control panel, which is the page you see when you first…


The Captcha plugins are used to prevent spam submissions on your forms such as registration, contact and login. You basic installation of Joomla includes one Captcha plugin which leverages the ReCaptcha® service but you may install other plugins connecting to…


The content component (com_content) is what you use to write articles. It is extremely flexible and has the largest number of built in views. Articles can be created and edited from the front end, making content the easiest component to…

First Blog Post

Quisque a massa sed libero tristique suscipit. Morbi tristique molestie metus, vel vehicula nisl ultrices pretium. Sed sit amet est et sapien condimentum viverra. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus viverra tortor…

Banner Module

The banner module is used to display the banners that are managed by the banners component in the site administrator. Help. {loadmodule banners,Banners}…